The International CPD Standards Office wants to know more about your negative experiences of online training.

As many of you know, we are proud to promote our accredited, gold standard global CPD training and coaching providers.

Since COVID19’s lockdown, there has been a boom in online learning, where unfortunately the market has become flooded with new providers, some of which, selling poor-quality online courses, leading to disappointing online learning experiences.

Over the past decade, iCPDSO has continually campaigned for ‘excellence in lifelong learning’.  We want to make sure that any online training course or coaching class bought by you, or your organisation, a positive, remarkable and reliable learning experience.

Please be assured that your responses and the data generated from this survey will not be shared with any third party organisations.

All of your responses will be kept confidential, however you do have the opportunity to share your story publicly if you would like to.

The survey results will be openly available, and the international CPD Standards Office will continue to campaign for high standards from the training and coaching industries.
So please donate 4 minutes of your time to help.

Click here to go to Survey! 


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