Latest CPD News

The Importance of Trust Marks for Training Providers

What is a trust mark? Trust marks are a way for organisations to demonstrate their legitimacy and visual aids that indicate trust, quality and reliability. They were first developed by the British Standards Institute (BSI) 100 years ago, by a chap who was disgruntled by the level and variants of the quality of manufacturing. BSI […]

CPD in the Construction Industry

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a mandatory requirement for over half a million individual members of construction professional bodies and member institutions. CPD has been long-established within the construction sector, and many professional bodies have had long standing CPD requirements in place. The construction industry needs to ensure that the knowledge and skills of construction […]

CPD Then And Now: From The Industrial Revolution To The Digital Revolution

The Dawn of Continuous Learning  The process of undergoing continuous professional learning is encouraged and attested by professional bodies and associations of which the Royal Medical Colleges (established in the 16th century) were the first. It was only towards the end of the 18th century, however, that the demand for reskilling within the lifetime of […]

Why is CPD Accreditation Important to your Business

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) has a huge variety of benefits to a business or an individual. In today’s working world, there is a lot more competition than there used to be 10 years ago, so if you want to succeed, you need to stand out from the crowd. For businesses operating in highly competitive markets, […]

Restructure your Online Training to Get More Bookings

It can be easy to get stuck in the same cycle of delivering training online that you have always delivered. So how can you mix it up? Here we have put together five thinking points to help you make your online training more relevant and attractive to clients surfing the web: Re-structure Your Courses Instead […]

Self Care For Trainers, Coaches & Online Educators

Trainers and coaches spend an awful lot of time thinking about others, and sometimes not enough time on themselves. Self-care is important for everyone and should be a priority for all. With the challenges over the last 18 months, it has highlighted how important self-care actually is. The challenges of COVID19 and adapting businesses to […]