CPD Standards Office Assessment Policy

1. Aim

The aim of the assessment policy of the CPD Standards Office (CPDSO) is to ensure that all submissions for accreditation receive appropriate assessment whereby all submissions are treated equally. By ensuring that all submissions are assessed thoroughly and consistently against the criteria required for accreditation, contributes to safeguarding the reputation of CPDSO and holders of CPD Standards Office accreditation.

2. Scope

CPD Standards Office providers can seek accreditation of five different types of activity

  • Instructor-led course
  • Online course
  • Coaching
  • Speaker
  • Event

A provider wishing to seek accreditation is required to complete a submission form as well as provide additional information and any specified documentation. The assessment takes into account the type of activity and considers the delegates’ learning experience.

3. Criteria

a) The assessment of submissions is based upon extensive research and findings of the CPD Research Project launched at Kingston University Business School in 2010.

b) The project is ongoing and will continue to inform the criteria required for modern-day Continuous Professional Development.

c) All assessments are undertaken against the criteria derived from the project and subsequently acquired experience.

4. Submission assessment

a) Submissions are assessed against the agreed criteria using the information provided by the provider.

b) As well as assessing for completeness, the information is cross-referenced to verify the detail submitted.

c) Depending upon the type of activity, sampling will be undertaken to further verify the detail contained in the submission. For instance, for an online course, the provider will be required to submit details to allow the assessor access to the course. Further, for an activity delivered physically, a visit may be undertaken to cross-reference or verify the submission.

d) As well as assessing the activity, further review will be undertaken to verify the provider and any claims made including the verification of any references obtained.

e) CPDSO will ensure that assessments are undertaken to ensure that submissions are turned around within publicised timescales.

f) Where a submission is incomplete, or further information or clarification is required from the provider, precise feedback will be given to allow the provider the opportunity to respond for further assessment and completion of their submission. This may delay the process slightly.

5. Assessors

a) External assessors are appointed based on their skills and experience across a broad range of backgrounds from the private, public and not for profit sectors.

b) Prior to undertaking assessments, assessors are trained in the appropriate processes and procedures in order to assess submissions objectively and consistently against the criteria.

c) Assessors undertake assessments in accordance with documented processes and procedures and are accountable for their decisions and observations.

d) Assessors are bound by clear guidelines regarding data protection and confidentiality.

e) CPDSO will identify the necessary resources needed to service the assessments being undertaken within the Office.

f) Assessors will be recruited 6 months prior to the need for deployment ensuring that relevant training is provided by senior assessors.

6. Responsibilities

a) CPDSO will provide guidance to the provider to ensure the correct documentation is submitted. It is also responsible for the appointment of assessors and ensuring assessments are undertaken thoroughly, equally and consistently.

b) The provider should ensure that the guidance issued by CPDSO is followed to minimise any delay of the assessment or risk of rejection of the submission.

c) Assessors will follow and apply standardised procedures to assess submissions

d) Thoroughly, equally and consistently to ensure all submissions receive the appropriate outcome.

7. Quality Assurance

a) All processes and procedures for the assessment of submissions are documented and subject to ongoing review.

b) The performance of assessors will be monitored by various methods e.g. double-marking, blind marking, sampling. Feedback will be provided to assessors to maintain a high standard of assessment.

c) The recruitment of assessors will be reviewed in line with performance.

d) CPDSO will always ensure that there are sufficient trained assessors to deal with the workload of the Assessment department. 

8. Appeals

a) Where an assessment results in accreditation being declined or initially refused, CPDSO will provide a clear explanation and will work with the provider to review their submission.

b) A provider may seek clarity from CPDSO in instances where they do not agree with the assessment feedback and, wherever possible, CPDSO will aim to provide the requested clarification.

c) If necessary, the assessment will be moderated. The submission will be re-assessed by a Senior Assessor.

d) The assessment decision of CPDSO is final.

9. Queries

Any queries relating to this document should be addressed to the CPD Standards Office.